Dance! To Crown our King
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Please join Women United for Geulah as we dance into the new year at “Dance! To Crown our King” events 👑🌟 in honor of the auspicious day of Chai Elul and in preparation for Rosh Hashanah - the Birthdays of the Baal HaTanya & The Baal Shem Tov, Let's celebrate together - creating your Hakhel before the year is up!
🍎💫🍯 🍂🌱🍁🌷👑💎
🌱 TWO MOSHIACH DANCES - to follow along with:
~Graceful dance to the song “Ani Ma’amina” (by Chaya Kogan) By Menouha Wasserman
~Tambourine Moshiach Dance to the song “Chaveirim Kol Yisroel” (by Abi Rotenberg)
Dikla Pickelner
Chaya Sarah Singer
🍁 Three videos of GREAT SPEAKERS about the Power of the days of Chai Elul and Rosh Hashana:
Nechama Dina Leeds
Chaya Matusof
Fruma Hershkowitz
🍂 Geulah Meditation!
Chaya Sara Singer
🌷TAMBOURINE DECO (new ideas!)
🤩 Great NEW Geulah Chai Elul Dance Playlist!
🎙️ Singer Devorah Shwartz:
Powerful rendition of
“RACHEIM” (by Shwekey) performed for United for Geulah last year
Join our “Dance! To Crown Our King” Group to receive all the goodies 💗 💃💫🥁💗

Signatures and kabolos will bli neder be taken to Mekomos Kedoshim periodically as protection and Blessings for all your needs!