Suggestions for kabolos in the following areas (sign below):
1 —
Start a class to teach other women about Moshiach: Look out for resources that will be available on our website
Teach your children about Moshiach
Learn about Geulah and Moshiach:
Be “Koveia Itim” on the sugya of Moshiach and Geulah
Learn about the Bais Hamikdash (Midrash Tanchuma 96:14)
Make a “Chaburah” to learn Kodshim (Chofetz Chaim)
Learn Mishnayos (Vayikra Raba 7:3)
2 —
Have more Kavana in bentching when saying V’al Malchus Bais Dovid Meshichecha.
(See Bais Yosef Oirach Chaim 188:4)
Have more kavana when saying the following 3 brochos in Shmoneh Esreh: Al Hatzadikim, (Malchus Shamayim), Boneh Yerushalam (Bais Hamikdash), Matzmiach Keren Yeshua (Moshiach)
(See Bais Yosef Oirach Chaim 188:4)
3 —
Gemmilus Chasodim
Give Tzedaka with the intention to bring the geulah(Bava Basra 10:1)
Give a few coins to Tzedaka before davening
(Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 12:2)
Give a few coins to tzedakah before lighting Shabbos & Yom Tov candles
Have a pushka attached to the wall of your kitchen